Newcastle Solar Power Solutions – Dealing With Solar Complaints

solar newcastle complaints

Newcastle Solar Power Solutions is committed to transforming your energy use with top-notch solar systems, ensuring substantial savings on your electricity bills. We are not a solar retailer but your trusted energy partner on the path to a greener, more cost-effective future.

Rooftop solar systems are able to significantly reduce or eliminate your monthly electric bills. They also displace black coal electricity generation, significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


Solar installation can take a long time, especially when you live in an area with a cold climate. In one case, a customer says he paid for his system in May and still doesn’t have it. The company, Pine Tree Solar, blamed the delay on a late thaw and rain that delayed installation. It has now offered him a partial refund.

OCE will generally not be involved in adjudicating contractual and other similar commercial disputes between customers and their Solar Contractor/Owner but, on occasion, it may elect to facilitate or mediate discussions and mutually acceptable resolutions of these issues. Refer to this page for more information on third party ownership and financing of Solar projects.

Feed-in tariffs

Getting the best feed-in rates is an important aspect of making solar more affordable. You’ll want to look for the best offer that matches your energy consumption and excess solar production. Typically, these rates will be listed on the summary of charges page of your energy bill. You can also find the latest feed-in tariffs by visiting the websites of different electricity retailers.

While solar feed-in tariffs have decreased since the scheme closed to new applicants, it’s still a great way to reduce your power bills. In addition, the upfront cost of a system has dropped significantly. However, maximising the use of your own electricity is the biggest way to save money on your bills. Check out WATTever’s comprehensive electricity comparison to see what your options are. We’ll take into account your energy usage, solar export and grid supply to help you find the cheapest plan. We also compare both flat and time-varying feed-in tariffs.

Electricity retailer plans

Using your own solar power at home, you can save on electricity bills and contribute to a cleaner, greener grid. However, some solar companies overstate the benefits and costs of their products and may also breach consumer law or electrical safety standards. You can complain to the company directly or contact your local state and territory consumer protection body for assistance.

Energy retailers compete to provide value-added electricity plans that can help you save money on your power bills. Use the GoSwitch comparison tool to find a deal that suits your household.

The deregulated electricity market means there are plenty of good energy providers offering great deals on Newcastle electricity prices. The table below shows a ranking of electricity retailers’ latest solar feed-in tariff rates for residential customers in Newcastle. You can also find a ranking of their Time of Use residential usage rates. Check each retailer’s website for the full rate details and conditions.

from Newcastle Solar Panels


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