The Benefits of Solar Power Systems

solar power systems newcastle

More than two million Australian households have invested in solar energy systems. This is the result of a growing movement to become independent from extortionate mains electricity prices.

Newcastle homes can enjoy sizeable savings with a roof-mounted solar power system. This technology also changes the balance of the coal-fired grid from a one-way user based system to a contributor based one.

Reduced Electricity Bills

Solar energy systems can reduce your dependence on mains electricity. With rooftop solar panels, you can produce more power than you need, and if the excess isn’t used, it is sent back to the grid where it’s recorded through a net metering system (similar to a bank account). The credit that you receive for this is added to your energy bill at the end of the month.

This method of energy production also allows you to take advantage of feed-in tariffs if offered by your local electricity provider. These can vary, but typically range from 8 to 13 cents per kWh of energy generated by your system.

By reducing your electricity usage with a solar system, you can significantly reduce your energy bills and power consumption. This helps to save you money and is great for the environment. You can further reduce your bills by adding an Energy Storage System, which is capable of storing energy and enabling self-consumption.

Increased Property Value

Solar panels are a great way to add value to your home and can help increase the selling price. The panels provide a reliable source of energy, saving you money and helping to reduce your carbon footprint. You can also take advantage of state and federal rebates to save even more on your installation costs.

Some of these rebates include the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme, which can shave thousands off your total installation cost. These incentives are intended to encourage more people to switch to renewable energy and drastically cut their electricity consumption.

The payback times for a Newcastle solar power system can be short, and the returns can be significant. However, it is important to choose a quality installer for your solar system in Newcastle. You should look for a company with a high customer rating and a good reputation. In addition, you should always ask for a quote before hiring any solar installation service.

Reduced Carbon Footprint

Using solar energy to reduce your dependence on the main electricity grid also helps to lower your carbon footprint. By sending excess power back into the grid, you’re reducing the need to use carbon-emitting electricity during peak times.

Depending on the type of panels you install, you may be eligible for the NSW feed-in tariff. This financial payment for surplus power you send to the grid is determined by electricity retailers and varies by plan.

A new type of solar cell could lead to more affordable, lightweight and flexible renewable energy technology. Scientists at Newcastle University are working on a prototype that’s made from cheaper raw materials and can be printed like a chip packet.

They say it has the potential to create recharging systems for electric vehicles; tents, shelters and boats for disaster relief and rescue operations; retractable recharging systems for homes, caravans, camping and defence industries; greenhouse covers and more. Currently the technology can only be produced in small quantities, but it’s a step towards cheaper, lighter solar energy.

Reduced Maintenance

While the initial installation of solar power systems is a substantial investment, it has minimal ongoing maintenance costs. Cleaning and inspection are generally all that is required, with most contractors charging a flat fee per panel for the service. The number of panels, location on the roof, and type of inverter all impact the cost.

The cost of installing solar power systems newcastle is also influenced by whether customers opt to pay with one lump sum, take out a loan, or enter a PPA. The size of the system is another factor, as smaller systems tend to be cheaper to install.

A solar PV installation is more expensive if trees in the surrounding area are likely to shade the panels. In these cases, the use of microinverters or DC optimisers is recommended to minimise shading effects. The installation of an import/export electricity meter, and upgrading switchboards to ones that have circuit breakers (instead of fuses), may also be necessary.

from Newcastle Solar Panels


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